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3- Experimental Research of the AMWG Algorithm for Assessing Amplitude Modulation in Wind Turbine Noise

The operation of a wind turbine (WT) is characterized by fluctuations in sound pressure amplitude associated with the passage of the propeller blade through the tower. Amplitude Modulation (AM) is one of the factors that contributes to the increased annoyance of wind turbine noise. The phenomenon of AM is currently the subject of research in many research centers around the world in the context of a parametric assessment of its impact on annoyance. Despite the development of many methods to measure the AM of a WT noise, there is no commonly accepted method. This paper discusses the most crucial factors that stimulate the phenomenon of AM and the implementation in the MATLAB environment of the algorithm to find the frequency and depth of AM proposed by the Amplitude Modulation Working Group (AMWG). The results of verification of the developed algorithm as well as the measurement results of the frequency and depth of modulation for two measurement samples of a 2 MW wind turbine are presented.

2- Experimental Verification of the Usefulness of Selected Infrasound and Low-frequency Noise (ILFN) Indicators in Assessing the Noise Annoyance of Wind Turbines

This paper presents an overview of the indices used in evaluating ILFN noise, based on C and G weighting curves and LC-LA difference parameter, as well as curves compared to the loudness threshold curve. The research section includes measurement results of wind turbine (WT) noise along with proposed indicators for evaluating this noise in the infrasound and low-frequency bands at distances of 250 m, 500 m and 1000 m from the turbine. The results obtained indicate low noise levels in the infrasound band, lower than the threshold curves from a dozen or so dB in the upper part of this band to nearly 60 dB in the lower part. The L C-L A indicator has been shown to be of poor utility for evaluating low-frequency noise, with the LG indicator reasonably useful for evaluating infrasound noise.

Infradźwięki – wskaźniki i kryteria oceny infradźwięków oraz hałasu

W imieniu Katedry Akustyki UAM oraz Sekcji Akustyki Środowiska Komitetu Akustyki PAN pragnę zaprosić Państwa do obejrzenia rejestracji wykładu Prof. IMP dr hab. n. o zdr. Małgorzaty Pawlaczyk-Łuszczyńskiej “Wskaźniki i kryteria oceny infradźwięków oraz hałasu niskoczęstotliwościowego “, który odbył się w dniu 25 stycznia o godz. 11.30 (w formie zdalnej).

Czy wiatraki wytwarzające prąd stwarzają zagrożenie dla mieszkających w ich pobliżu ludzi?

Czy wiatraki wytwarzające prąd stwarzają zagrożenie dla mieszkających w ich pobliżu ludzi?

Przedpołudnie Radia TOK FM

Data emisji 2022-01-17 11:00:,Czy-wiatraki-wytwarzajace-prad-stwarzaja-zagrozenie-dla-mieszkajacych-w-ich-poblizu-ludzi

Audycja: Przedpołudnie Radia TOK FM

Prowadzący: Przemysław Iwańczyk

W studio: prof. Anna Preis

Seminarium Wykład prof. T. Wszołka

W dniu 14.12.2021 odbyło się seminarium Katedry Akustyki UAM w Poznaniu i SAŚ KA PAN wykład
prof. T. Wszołka pn. „Przegląd metod prognozowania, pomiaru i oceny hałasu
infra i niskoczęstotliwościowego od turbin wiatrowych” z Katedry mechaniki i Wibroakustyki AGH
w Krakowie.

Link do nagrania z tego wykładu na stronie Youtube Katedry Akustyki Uniwersytetu Poznańskiego
im. Adama Mickiewicza

1- Road, Tram and Aircraft Traffic Noise Annoyance Related to the Numberof Noise Events and the Equivalent Sound Level

Noise mapping is based on long-term noise indicators, such as LN or LDEN. On the other hand, transportation intensity changes during a day (road traffic peak hours) or a year (more flights during holidays) and this variability is not reflected in single sound level values. We wanted to find out whether not only sound level but also the number of noise events is the factor influencing noise annoyance assessment. Ambisonic recordings of real traffic in a city were used. Road, tramway, and aircraft traffic were investigated and two factors were manipulated: the equivalent sound level value and the number of noise events. All stimuli were presented in an anechoic chamber. The results showed that sound level is always a statistically significant parameter while the number of events has an impact only for tramways and airplanes. Moreover, the difference is observed only between one or more subgroups, no matter what the sound level value was. For road traffic this relation was not found to be statistically significant. It was also shown that the existence of tramway bonus or airplane malus is linked with the number of noise events.