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Working meeting Poznań 19/03/2024

On March 19, the final meeting of the HETMAN project will be held at the Faculty of Physics, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, during which the results of the grant will be presented to those interested.

Winter School-Szczyrk 03/03/2024

On February 26, 2024 – March 1, 2024, project members participated in the LI Winter School of Environmental Acoustics and Vibroacoustics. A meeting regarding the good practices guide was organized, led by Prof. Anna Preis.

During the SZASiW conference, the results of the work so far were presented.

Polish research group at the SINTEF headquarters in Norway 20-23/02/2024

On February 20-23, 2024, the representation of the HETMAN research team from the University of Adam Mickiewicz in Poznań was visited by the Norwegian research institute SINTEF based in Trondheim, which cooperates in the project.

During the stay, work continued on a guide to good practices in the field of wind turbine noise management, which is to be the result of the entire project. During a break from work, the seminar discussed the structure of the SINTEF institute and the scope of its research.

The trip was a great opportunity both for the development of work and for establishing better relationships with Norwegian partners.

POZNAŃ, 31/08/ 2023, working meeting,

A working meeting of the HETMAN project was held at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. At the meeting, the progress of work on the grant was presented and discussed, and further activities were planned. An important point of this event was the presentation by the WP6 working group of its original project – a low-cost wind turbine noise monitoring system.

Forum Acousticum 2023

On August 11-15, 2023, project members participated in the international conference Forum Acousticum in Turin. The papers were presented on the fourth and fifth day of the conference during the session entitled “Outdoor machinery, including wind turbines and low frequency sources”, chaired by Frits van den Berg, PhD, and Luca Fredianelli, PhD.

Harmonogram konferencji Forum Acousticum 2023

KRAKÓW on December 12-13, 2022

A working meeting in Kraków on December 12-13, 2022, during which current work and achievements in the project were discussed.


We are pleased to announce that our first article describing the conclusions of the research conducted within the framework of WP3, on the experimental verification of the effectiveness of microphone windshields, has been published.
The article titled “Experimental Verification of Windshields in the Measurement of Low Frequency Noise from Wind Turbines” by authors Tadeusz Wszołek, Paweł Pawlik, Maciej Kłaczyński, Bartłomiej Stępień, Dominik Mleczko, Paweł Małecki, Krzysztof Rozwadowski was published by MDPI “Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute”.
Article available at link:

Working meeting of the Hetman project

On October 12, 2022, a working meeting of the HETMAN project was held remotely on the Teams platform. At the meeting, the date and details of the grant meeting in Krakow scheduled for December 12-13, 2022 were set.


The Hetman project was presented by Anna Preis during the plenary lecture of the Conference, papers in topics related to the project were also presented by other scientists working on it.
There was also time for a walk in the mountains and a cruise on Lake Solina!

The Open Seminar in Acoustics (OSA) is an annual conference, the largest in the country, bringing together leading Polish acousticians for more than sixty years.
The conference presents papers from all departments of acoustics. The aim of the conference is to exchange scientific experience in the field of acoustics, to promote science and to integrate specialists from different fields who are bound by acoustics.
Below are the speeches of scientists associated with the Hetman project:

A.PREIS – Referat plenarny / Plenary Lecture ANNA PREIS How to determine the annoyance due to wind turbines
M. BUSZKIEWICZ, A. WICHER, R. GOŁĘBIEWSKI, R. PYFFEL / Road traffic noise influence on wind turbine noise detection
J. FELCYN, A. PREIS, R. GOGOL / Evaluation of wind turbine noise annoyance based on pre- learned patterns


01.05 – 30.06.2022 Infrasound research: Pawel Malecki, Tadeusz Wszolek, Malgorzata Pawlaczyk.

Infrasound is low-frequency acoustic waves. By convention, the boundary between the audible and infrasound bands is taken as 20 Hz. These signals are common in the environment, and their sources include modern transportation, extensive ventilation lines, large machinery, wind farms, but also the wind itself or large waterfalls or sea waves. There are many indications of the adverse effects of infrasound on human well-being and health, but due to the technical difficulties involved in recording and, above all, reproducing infrasound in laboratory conditions, research in this area is not very common.

Within the framework of the Hetman project, we are working intensively on this issue. In recent months, we have conducted a series of experiments involving the recording and subsequent controlled exposure of infrasound occurring in the vicinity of wind farms, under laboratory conditions.

For this purpose, we used large-size subwoofer systems used for sounding mass concerts to reconstruct the infrasound band in the 10-20 Hz range.

More than 120 people participated in the study, and exposure to the test signal lasted at least an hour. Preliminary analyses indicate very little annoyance from infrasound generated by wind turbines, confirming the results of similar experiments conducted in other countries.

Subwoofer configuration for testing.
Sound pressure waveform and stimulus level during the selected day of the experiment.
Example results
The warehouse of the electroacoustic apparatus where the experiments were conducted.